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Poems / Freedom

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True freedom is that which links all with total privacy.

[ Freedom ]
to exhibit freedom, it is necessary to restrict it.

[ Freedom ]
Freedom is not as easy as they think it defamatory enemies of freedom is difficult, it is a heavy burden. And people are easy to renounce freedom to ease your life. The whole human life is to go through freedom, through a trial of freedom, through the temptations of denial of freedom.

[ Freedom ]
Compassion and freedom of the conflict.

Compassion, it is possible to give up freedom, freedom can lead to violence. Upswing in their man can not fly out of this world, to remove himself from responsibility for other people. Each is responsible for all.

Freedom can not cancel the responsibility of the closest. Grief, compassion reminds us freedom.

[ Freedom ]
The best evidence of the existence of freedom, there are those who argue that without it people would not be able to sin.

[ Freedom ]
Freedom is independence with respect to human nature and society unbreakable laws. Freedom - the first is the human ability to gradually get rid of the physical world with the burden of scientific and rational employment;

Freedom, at last, is a human right to act with itself according to its own public opinion and belief - the right to become the antithesis oppressive corrupted by power or claims of any other person or groups of persons or class, or society as a whole.

[ Freedom ]
denial of freedom of will does not necessarily imply a denial of freedom. Just freedom is natural and inevitable consequence of social need and outcome.

[ Freedom ]
have the right to freedom of conscience of each person receives from natural birth.

[ Freedom ]
Here, you broke the wall with his head! What is going to do in the neighboring cell?

[ Freedom ]
you shall be free indeed not when your day will be free of worries and your nights without deprivation and pain. But when they are surrounded by your life and yet you transfer your above them naked and unrelated.

[ Freedom ]
It is better to be poor in a democracy, than appears to be happy under the auspices of the aristocracy, because freedom is better than slavery.

[ Freedom ]
What else can satisfy the soul, if not the chance to be free and not be within anyone.

[ Freedom ]
To become free, we have become slaves to the law.

[ Freedom ]
What is freedom known only to those who are ready to die.

[ Freedom ]
only one who lost all that makes it worth living.

[ Freedom ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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