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Poems / Lessons and quotes

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fence, built by the mind, feel easy to climb over.
I\'ve played all the roles, the eternal struggle has developed in me dodge the redskin Indians.
Every man his fate from birth to death are woven as a spider\'s web. When the last thread and woven into a man as if wrapped in their network operation, he sees himself as a whole, created his own fate. This, then, is karma.
One thought fills infinity.
Prisons are built from the stones of law, public houses - the bricks of religion.
Details of the joy that will never get tired of.
Eagle had never spent time as vain as when accepted to study at the crows.
The fact that the beautiful was right next to us, aware too late.
carry out the job properly, always short of time, but it remakes it, always have a plenty of time.
possible to identify a number of trouble they will most definitely order.
Any boss will seek to increase, rather than a collaborator, but the number of subordinates.
Optimists invents an airplane, a pessimist - a parachute.
Life is a loan rather than a gift.
Life is a hospital where every patient wants to move to another bed.
The most difficult part of the work that neuzdrīksties start, and it becomes a nightmare.

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