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How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Poems / Quotes

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truth can be expressed in many ways, but it is only one and eternal.

/ Ivo Andrico /
[ Quotes ]
Philosophy provides ability to stay with yourself alone.

/ Anttistens /
[ Quotes ]
In order to hold the hands of a man, you keep yourself in the hands.

/ Minna Antrima /
[ Quotes ]
mind a long tongue.

/ Aristofane /
[ Quotes ]
Being strong means - in the face, self-control is - to excel.

/ Aristotle /
[ Quotes ]
Friendship is one soul in two bodies.

/ Aristotle /
[ Quotes ]
three-quarters of the life skills we pay uzdvesties.
[ Quotes ]
I want to work, work - even more than a job - I want to own the knowledge.

/ Aspasia /
[ Quotes ]
are able to choose, at the same time can not ask for money and sympathy.

/ Marcel Asari /
[ Quotes ]
The success secrets of the most effective debate losers.

/ Marcel Asars /
[ Quotes ]
habit, if it did not resisted, soon becomes a necessity.

/ Saint Augustine /
[ Quotes ]
look back to see ahead.

/ Anton Austrins /
[ Quotes ]
Parliament is as much more or less lazy people meeting. / Voltaire Badžots /
[ Quotes ]
Nothing is unable to comfort and good rum and blazing faith.

/ George Gordon Byron /
[ Quotes ]
No one can prevent the death of the condemned.

/ Pearl Baka /
[ Quotes ]

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