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Poems / Atvadvārdi

Page : 5
I stretch forth your hands against the sky
, And collect into pools izirstošos rays.
But not to suspend the flow of solar
And fail to arrive at your departure.
tremor Vizbules, fluttering rose among the thorns -
At the heart of it all should include performing,
But freezes lips whisper: \"What you want to live ...\"
And the death of the sun on the day once again threatened.
Tin dear eyes so thick fog,
And two tears of two sisters
In a sea of ​​bitter waves encounter.
Home - beginning of the road.
And home is the journey\'s end.
Need a home for life
Go without haste.
achieved in the last ceļakrusts?
Logged and look past the road ditch?
And nepārlēkt longer then ... How little is experiencing.
I throw a little rye wagon load
neaizejam away
We stand here,
Because the land may be lost,
Although the weather turns wheel.
fad: you out
Once the severity can be bent to the ground?
You only have cold rose
And spruce branches can provide ...
But you do not ... As I would like at least once
I tell the life of the son of nine,
Worried about how to avoid the crooked path,
As concerns Gaode did not spare himself.

I\'m back, I am present
And, not knowing what to do other,
On your grave will be redundant, Mother,
I am thin, pusplaukušu bird-cherry tree.
We will stay here alone, and will,
Under the birch, the blackbird whistles,
And even parents become nepagūsim,
Only a parent will be the riverside.
only become his father\'s old homestead,
At the end of the same gray tomb field ...
Will remain the land will remain in the holy land,
Which sprouts ieķersies and grow.
Jel moment, Mother, hold me:
I rushed through the night with you -
Through silence and through calls
In which gave lavish April.
But you already are being absorbed,
On the brink of receiving a son.
I listen to, but do not feel your heart:
I\'ve got too late.
I look pale face
And bending over mēmām lips;
You Aizsaules gardens, walks,
Free from the cares of land.
The saddest moment when the mother\'s heart
For life is lost forever, and shall,
Then the stars in the sky tears mirkst
And empty as a clearing house becomes the son.
the red cranberry bog
Grey Crane
Take the wings
One\'s life. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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