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Poems / Atvadvārdi

Page : 13
table. Two hands. And the candle melts.
Middle of the night oak tree suddenly breaks.
Two hands on the table. More than that.
My memory of all the land saved.
Barefoot boy dew Brien.
Ck low over his head timidly birds run.
What a huge meadow. The stars are falling.
He is aizbridis horizon.
cool silver glow of the winter sun.
Is light the same self-pity -
Come, radiate and lose again,
And all just to live up to?
Monday. November. Sneak
Lake ascended into heaven
I touch the Moonlight
and kiss your cheek, Mom.
Met stars in the sky range chicken.
Over my lifetime
stand the present.
November rain in black
red maple lapasvaigs
look into the depths of time
turns into Mother\'s Name
across the river under the trees
we all will go slowly
where we will light labsvakaru
pieneņpūkas the fly
slow and cold
we spring
thrives this year
and Lake neviļņo
stands silent
As our dear
already lying
and father land
gentle peace
our foreheads
Lifespan of a stream flowing through your hands
Flowing and flowing,
Hot streams runs across the grain,
my grandmother - LAIPE tree in the yard,
Tiny flowers SAULĪTES life honey shaking;
Now the product is dried her sun garners,
Lack of linden tea us, although holiday table, too.
Fisher always return to land,
Fisherman\'s soul stiegrajā pine
Tough and quarrelsome find quietude. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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