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Poems / Atvadvārdi

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You were a clear drop of dew,
What to see through the calyx;
You were dear to me as a sister,
But now you sand cover.
Year after year ever sink quietly,
A man can not draw the course of destiny.
However, the heart of Art lived,
Comes from the dark middle sērst dear.
grow dark ... And the evening cool hand
Smiling to thy breast makes ...
I will come when the breeze comes from the mountain,
When the autumn will be the star of the rain descends;
I will come when the kiss of frost flowers
And your hearts will not recognize me anymore ...

And in your hands, work tired,
I love palo eternal spring.
Dzīvīte, dzīvīte, not to rock through
Asaro broke lime twig,
Fled finches, laurels twine,
Stuck in the morning your novalkas.
For your dog sleep nights,
For partridges step, right Mom,
Between storm and thunder stroke
When I rushed to comfort ...
What time pinch thee Tesis,
What gray hair long story?
Or will respond, in favor of Target
A child\'s kiss and caress your hands?
nesadzirdami parting words
inaudibility green and invisible Buls
nopil nesadzirdama sun
inaudibility of the universe beats plus
silent funeral hall pārzied
turns into silent šūpuļlīksts
unwittingly something aizžņaudzas neck
inaudibility knowledge sprout sprouting
You were the oaks
Flower full of hope
As a reflection of the moment
Source serene wave
As the breath of the forest
Bloom the first page
And sighs Mamula
The village church gray-haired
We come, playing, to go up easily,
Remaining work, which did, the land where the fighting.

Zaļsarkani DZĪPARI
Ball of life ris.
Fall victim to the sea sinking day digits.
Still far from the edge of the splash.
me yet Let us hear
Cranes dying scream,
Perhaps even more sense Will you be able
At the time of the short and rietošā,
Just a moment - it will take you a lifetime.
However - I\'ll be gone already.
Along the coast, washed feet, Big River wave
You go, you have already gone
for nothing.
And memory and dull the pain closer and closer to the heart
are lost river sand
fire ashes are lost as a frost flower encroach
Lost only song performed in

oh my star is eager burned
even the darkness you do not cover
yet in the morning you can see
oh my star is eager burned
not from the sea or from land but from a stone
not from the air, not from fire but from a stone
be a flower and fades izsmaržot
be like a bird fly away and disappear
white phlox eyes
up at the Milky Way shines
like a red flower life
takes to heart every frost Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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