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Poems / Atvadvārdi

Page : 11
Another Candle in my eyes blink.
But in front of the big sky of the market stands,
Where God the devil sold soul candle.
time as the sand flows, and behold - has
Our life aizdzied grains of sand.
You do not go away! For my roses
You neaizej until it blooms!
Maybe tomorrow the wind will modify the time,
You do not go away from your roses.
Over the mountains early frost will
And closed her eyes shut.
You do not go away! For my roses
You do not go away until it blossoms.
through the twilight,
Through the evening mist rename
We are going up
And gradually become shadows.
blankly door
Vakarējā pain.
Well I\'ll go. Maybe somewhere in the
Let\'s meet the sunrise in the wind.
and suddenly the silence
that the sun stops debesmalā
as well as the forest grows mūžīgāk there yourself.

Other - whiter snow falls in the forest to another.
On the other eternal, it goes and comes.
And also there\'s the same forest grows mūžīgāk.

Nothing - not want to get, not to take it, nothing.
But only a deeper silence
Promatnākt, šurpaiziet. And stand farther.
And all get it, do not leave without.
My father is gone, and so I know - who,
And my mother in the clouds, I know.
When you are away, we will remain together.
And in the distance between us, I do not mention.
Where do we rock
which way?
boomed opened, bloomed, died
Whether he had a moment or a lifetime?
Wind from the time since the Rose rained,
As well as blowing, blowing.
When a rich life
Take up something alive and fervent,
The will yell, \"Leave us!\"
But now too late ...
Again, the earth,
Rid your turf is covered.
You see, Mother,
Your song is sing.

Neizdziedāta remaining land,
Neizdziedēta scar.
I\'ll take three handfuls of sand
The Holy Land,
Yet, we are still quite
All that snow white groups to dig
The long quietude seems
Such a star bridge was built in the night,
Day to day meet.
But you who gave me a light,
Nīkdams same job down, -
Around you with either a peace festival
And the white silence speaks.
brighter than flowers and summer shine
Memory, loving soul chopped.
Therefore, you have to take a shower sweet and calm
Cool scent of the white ark.

You were always so sweet to me,
But now you sand covers ...
When the sky shines forth yet zvīļa,
It seems to me, then your eyes shall see ... Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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