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Poems / Atvadvārdi

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Wait a moment more!
Summer at your bumble
Once the rest go.
see how homeland crust
green, light and thin!
Calm will be able to lie down
ground bee under the wing.
with butterfly wings - even one who can -
can not fly to the water.
Summer in the middle anyway
butterflies remain halfway.
And again in the evening blue
nightingale sings in the grove.
Everything comes and goes the distance,
and everything starts from the end.
me joy and sorrow over the sliding
as speckled autumn leaves,
People who come to spend
from cradle to grave.
Nothing written is not so deep
And indeed further
As what I have written
Brown on your face, Mom!
page blossoms up stīdz
and chicken pouring down.
I also - one site to -
the same way for passage.
How life is a ball of yarn rolled up,
DZĪPARI where a wide range of glow;
If someone could unravel them again,
Then in the middle is the heart grandmother.

Where lime shade Atvasara quietly
How thoughtful farewell still shines,
Of life in yarn ball attinusi,
Go a long way grandmother heart.
rustling trees ends
Moment of grief is so blunt.
However, our circle will
Your mila and your job.
Now let\'s go softly, softly, -
Pages of frost strike brilliance ...
Well, good bye! Sweet quietude!
Have a white, light sand
white birch, white spruce ...
White with pain and we
Continue in a quiet moment
Magnus at the crossroads of life.
And, although your way of life over
Silver when it was snowing,
However, the job and your love
Sand Hill will not.

Years old in a hurry, and over the hump
Again fruitful rain descends,
Our good, warm thoughts
White sand will warm.
Take from us the light hours,
Which are often visited together!
Have a homeland winds
Softly, softly singing songs
Hail grain
Melt on the wrist,
Stingušas tears pouring.
The sky mourning
In black.
Sun of MEŽGAĻI sad example,
Pakāpjas bare hands -
And bark. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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