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Poems /

Page : 6
We wanted to tell you sweet words
And ask how you go through life ...
Too late to everything, the sun already norietēja,
It is your dark windows, doors shut.

Everyone of us who have come to the world,
One day is like a flower frost jānolūst.
[ ]
Present terrible candle cooling, say good-bye
And leave, where the flower smoke accumulating.
And roses, orchids perfume the house.
[ ]
wind and time slip away and lost friends -
Stars, vezdams away, to face play.
[ ]
passage from death to a large garden -
Sand into old soul tracks.
I see the green earth curbs
Blue dove drink at the well.

Stand quietly in the garden of death,
In front of walls covered with the shadow.
Heart with you norimdama
As with doves talking.
[ ]
full flower in summer
Atskrien death Auka,
White mother Abel
Flowers sweeps the land.

Sēdīšos under the apple tree,
To fall over the snow.
It is like a dream pretend
The deep sleep of death.
[ ]
Praise, or the latest sun
Today I face is shining?
Roaring swarm of bees as air,
Soul-cloud glides.
[ ]
With love writing
And the sea erased
With silver splash.
[ ]
I\'ll spring up once the snow, dear neturams.
Month of the eternal splendor of gardens lying down deep soft -
Outbound aircraft away before winter, where cranes and swans Zelio shout.
Many have already gone there - like smoke and moonlight tale,
So left alone, which remains in the snow pērnajā hall.
[ ]
A bunch of petulant clamor of cranes,
What southward slowly slid my,
For a moment we meet, walk in death,
See bērenieku stream, the cross shines.
[ ]
with a black veil view of the sky huddle
By the way, the birds went up on return.
[ ]
How happy is now thine eyes, Mother,
Tears longer they burn out.
How skaužama now your mouth, Mom,
In vain, the sky is no longer pray.
And to save your hands now, Mother,
More about me not jāsažņaudzas them.
[ ]
how calm you are either, mat, leaving-of-bounds,
As a whitish rye fields, early scythe to mow.
[ ]
here again laundry time. Comes a mother, a black scarf around
head tightly bound, however, is that staying is the way she
keep track of. Behind the face of the loss of face as a greeting and farewell
someone put my hand in there. Have I aizdebesu sky -
if I\'m in nowhere.
[ ]
More and more I will love, from the ancient aizmīlu more pārviršiem,
Lingonberry, sīkziediņiem rosy. It is invisible leaving open at vāriem. Increasingly, I
love you more, from the ancient aizmīlu on.
[ ]
White bird cemetery
How far away from the area -
Floral scents chilly,
Retired breath.
When it can be asked after me will
Shadows long and short -
Cherry blossom three.
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Page : 6

Poems /

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