If your life blossoms
great flourish in beauty and dedicated
Then the birch and maple
in all roadside liesmojot glow. Saturiņicīts>
heaven remain, and was, as zilgas,
Land does not take the dreams and aspirations.
Part of the work will be made,
Remain pleasure, sorrow and new mornings,
Remain in the tree, planted half a century ago,
One page book will show:
He was normal, immortal man. Saturiņicīts>
... I\'ll stay in the wind, its ore in the autumn,
Echo, which sounds off on the taste,
Milestone when they order you mentioned,
And the street where the trees throw pedestrians page. Saturiņicīts>
He was a man
with long years of his shoulders the burden lies,
Knew how to sing and laugh
and felt how terribly hurt,
But when the first VIZBUĻI
broke the path between the old litter,
He early larks
went to a mountain to climb.
The tranquil river,
over the ice fields tit carries a message
That there is not look at the stars
your boatman. Saturiņicīts>
not lived in vain - everything is beautiful, as before.
Time has erased all the sadness.
Kuro-year pine striking woodpeckers,
Kuro-year rustles trees Vedas,
Protecting loved ones feet
Which neaizvelk snowfall. Saturiņicīts>
memory wells where Padzero,
How far can a child Brien:
Visskaitākais world - Mamula
more you see.
Thank you for my name, Dad!
You larks fall to the grave,
And still be able to wait. Saturiņicīts>
now been taken away by storm
gulls and albatrosses wings -
disappeared in the sky,
disappeared and the world\'s seas
well-known port. Saturiņicīts>
how thin wall
between life and death!
I now remember the small path
In the same passage for the water to a well ...
Walking and understand: as the mother knows
Concern over the trail to go silent. Saturiņicīts>
a transformation is smooth,
When living residence in a moment,
And another moment of the call, and my -
Then, it seems, is not given to us. Saturiņicīts>
Have you lived
As the date
Which do you remember.
Remember! Saturiņicīts>
Aizliecās behind a trail of rye,
Fell, with ditches dug ...
Feet and fell into the well.
Clear, clear autumn day!
Friend without a father. To go alone.
Land jāiemin have trouble. Saturiņicīts>
man to his shadow
Gray coat squatting.
Sun slowly turn elaborate,
On the morning dream flowing river. Saturiņicīts>
clear streams Chaco,
Sown in light of the sun spray,
But the end of the course of your life -
Too early grave pine rustles. Saturiņicīts>
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