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Poems /

Page : 4
As the branch to branch, crown of the wall,
It lives crown us knows how to twist
Although living a rainy and white days,
What do you memory seems to be starting to talk ...

So when the lose
We treasure that would not return anything -
So we sometimes are able to really comprehend,
What was this invaluable treasure.
[ ]
lot of expensive, but not all cover the sand.

Voice breaks, but bothered by echo,
Sands of years and will not cover.
[ ]
- eternal silence
Moment of silence - for us.
Not interfere with quietude
[ ]
You go away, so she would become hot,
And a small reflective of those we send.
[ ]
Deep, deep linen well,
Earth goes through the curbs.
Distant, distant linen trail
Ask the breeze way.
[ ]
Ozoli cause failure,
Oaks remain,
Grow ever
Nine ends.
[ ]
good roads run,
Mother\'s love makes us clear.
[ ]
sand now sit -
What are you, screeching, shout?
A short piece of the road,
What we jānostaigā.

What do you, at, in a hurry so?
Overtime is not given.
A place of honor unsolicited
Waiting decorated.
[ ]
guršu, Latvia,
Give manm home life.
All his life, Latvia,
I went to you ...
[ ]
If you all have given life,
So do not be afraid of sudden death.
She can not ruin you.
Lifespan of your new rotation against a go.
[ ]
heart ever burn as deep a scar,
Away leaving, Your sad sight.

Lifetime anxiety and deep desire
Sand buried in endless night.
[ ]
little soul flies to God Most High,
Heaven and sunny flower garden to flourish.
Freezing heat dainty mother lone hand -
Those who go in vain no longer be held back.
[ ]
pain subsided once all.
Aiztecēs flood of tears.
Over the small grave swing lonely twig.
The soul of a small, although the land has been lost you for life,
Away a large white and free your spirit will
[ ]
sadrebēja tiny cemetery grass,
Hazelnuts are grown into the wind a voice.
Heart of the tvīka life-long,
There ended a life course to an end.
[ ]
about your feet in the wind either snow groans roll
And deep down, hidden scar KAIST.
As a distant echo sounding even more ancient song,
What through all the storms fade.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Page : 4

Poems /

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