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Poems /

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last snow:
They are March blizzards window
And volatile flowers on the windows.
It is a white silence
And the way of peace deal
Through which to march through the snow for so long.
[ ]
sad elsu night garden.
There is crying for your green life
What dead and broken branch.
[ ]
When the first big rain descends
after your retirement,
white wash away this jet
your feet from the ground

However, because something paliksies
after you living in the meadow -
or flower bent or gray,
or your song in the meadow.
[ ]
Pines course today
sad as usual rustles,
and calmer, tired of the way,
coast are rising wave of white.

Come autumn, and storm
will propel the bank of amber,
so you no longer neatnāksi
smiling to pick up.

by leaving left us,
Long, long in the hearts
live in the radiation.
[ ]
the autumn, the rain hitting the window,
And the apples are falling without you ...

You continue to live
with drops of his blood,
which is now flowing through my heart, -
Nightingales with their dreams,
neapklust sing in me.
[ ]
frosty this morning -
Hey, the winds walk,
And vanished somewhere
Father\'s voice.
[ ]
ever-changing life and death -
flower blossoms, wrought breaks off a tree.
And I see -
Cemetery extends across the rainbow circle
life shines new color scenes.
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Poems /

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