Children charity organisation
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Poems /

Page : 1
I know, now rose, tribulation,
My Wand so without BAL and languish in the sun.
There are no girls in hi
[ ]
Blessed is that doubly blessed it,
Who lives such luck happens!
To top up dibenasm drunk dry
From each one full cup of life!
[ ]
himself to me at this time sorry
As fate manim rose simply displacing,
I only have a window to look,
As a life long to go green and go.
[ ]
No we do not blame my mouth,
So the fact that it is not my lips asks:
For this, the fate of us all LEM,
As a victim of the agony of pain takes,
What svelmējušas my soul
With life nedegušu fire.
To be one of vispēdējiem I,
Living as long crawling through the night,
Having to look at the other cup captures
And wine-loving dzirkstījošo drink!
[ ]
To be the one I vispēdējiem,
The world having Strait šitāds day,
Oh, so the sun comes in dark basements
To warm, white light in fulfilling them!
I know now everywhere roses bloom,
I know villages dail rushes hardly -
Lord, if this happy time I Vaid:
To modify the moans of exultation fun!
[ ]

One wish
I occasionally lights up the chest,
the front of the mirror
Glaudu their hair
And probe, and see
plans that they rush into
And recommending the gray, -
One wish:
Somehow, love, could
To start again!

But Yesterdays
With steel maiglēm
There\'s now solid,
And it waits for the morning
As the poor bird,
Who ran into the yarn
Lumps and lumps
It is also complicated.
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Poems /

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