There is nothing else that really
would fall under the real art
the art of loving people. Saturiņicīts>
love is largely self-deception - two hearts to see reality as a dream. . . But love itself is the reality - the adoption of lološana, fascination with the other oddities - it makes a man and woman of them who they are. Saturiņicīts>
Marriage joins two separate paths into one, it gives two meaningless lives of each task and doubles the strength to do this.
Marriage gives two vaicājošām beings sense why all worth living. Saturiņicīts>
How neizbeidzams borderless Morning
Love of one\'s heart comes
and you, with all living together, of
have already become more powerful and more vulnerable.
Along the part of you, because the whole part - you,
simtreizējais and everything is for the first time,
All the celestial constellation becomes
of your constellation
and the date of termination is not blinking. Saturiņicīts>
There are folks who feel: the best one to be;
I have other thoughts and is going to be married.
I am not afraid of disputes between beats even,
I know that the squabbles understanding will come again. Saturiņicīts>
Love has a thousand aspects, and each of them -
their light, their sadness, their happiness and smell. Saturiņicīts>
What does a wide range of life, -
Because love is. Saturiņicīts>
Love - it is an endless song,
Whose lives forever through singing. Saturiņicīts>
, whither thou goest, I will go,
and where you mitīsi, I mitīšu;
your people shall be my people,
and thy God my God. Saturiņicīts>
It covers the whole, it believes all
It believed all things, endureth all things.
Love never fails. . . Saturiņicīts>
wife is a favorite for many brides. Saturiņicīts>
Love - in your warm hand.
Love - Quiet proximity to yours.
Love - wind Lute tree
that is not the end of the song. Saturiņicīts>
I\'ll dāvināšu white day
We will hold the two together.
It is the usual flimsy as a bee
Bitter smelling the dandelion.
Morning awakening comes in white,
Morning and white stork legs will come.
And thine eyes from day - bite
Since honey is warm sleeping cap.
Breakfast will give you
Ripo, chestnut,
roll, tit!
And so there
those who loved
can not comprehend prediction
can not figure out the mind
Your destiny lies in my hand
as air and water donated. Saturiņicīts> Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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