Albert Einstein learned
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Poems / Albert Einstein learned

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It is important not to be wound when asked. Curiosity has its own reasons for existence. Thinking about eternal life and the secrets of the amazing structure of reality, could not help but feel awe. It is sufficient if a person every day trying to understand a little of this mystery. Do not lose the holy curiosity.
The only way to prevent the harmful effects of fame is to continue to work. . . . No other way.
There are only two ways to live: one - to live as though everything is a miracle, the other - as if there would be a miracle.
Studies and the quest for truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we allowed to stay for life for children.
of values ​​- physical, mental and moral - can be effectively traced through many generations of following up certain creative individuals.
of human greatness is only one way: through a painful blow row.
Peace can not be held by force. It can only be achieved through understanding.
most wonderful you can feel the man is a mystery.
skolojoties Wisdom does not obtain, but all his life trying to get it.
Education is what remains after
forgotten all that we have been taught.
neatrisināsi if spiedīsi like the ones that created the problem.
sometimes not enough for many experiments, the charge to a theory, but one is enough to be rolled over.
If something does not pay, then it has no value.
no, neither the ambition nor the bare sense of duty, rather it arises from love and devotion to man and impartial.
man who considers his life as meaningless is not only unfortunate, but it almost useless. Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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