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Poems / Aphorisms

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moments are sometimes the most common spark of heroism occurs in man, which until then unnoticed gruzdējusi his chest, and he does something which previously would never have dreamed of and then pēv him seem almost incredible.
forgotten Joy, sorrow - never.
jealousy, everything is clear, but the evidence is not available.
When a person is getting worse, everything around him seems to have become worse.
Lama is always sick thinking features.
winning start with victory over himself.
feat, as well as talent, shortens the path to the goal.
Do not waste your nerves, which may instead spend the money!
nedalīsies with the sufferings of the people, be left behind will feel the joy and celebration.
In addition, women also can not live, and can not do without eating and drinking. Women born and fed, we largely live their lives, and we can not refuse from them.
Early to rise and a new marriage - yet it has never been regretted.
The less temptation, the greater sin.
today Authority apple tree, even know that the morning will be the end of the world!
like a fish without bones is just not human without flaws.
While we lack it, after which we yearn, we think this is the highest happiness, but, got it, we fervently as we start to yearn for something else.

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