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Poems / Aphorisms

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great minds, like a big mountain, the first captures and reflects the morning sun.
good government is not the one who wants to make people happy, but the one who knows how to achieve it.
orator\'s art is not truth, but they iestāstīšana.
necessary prerequisite for happiness is the belief that you live right behind you that is neither cheating nor wickedness, nor guile, nor intrigue, or other wrongful conduct.
Teach people to be happy can not be a raise him so that he would be happy - can.
Books - Paperback bound people.
Seen as a dog licks his hand site?
potboiler, of course, there are always Unscrupulous, it creates an indifferent attitude towards the topic - avoid difficult.
No one is left poorer, will present the gift.
Mercy is eight degrees. The highest of them - to help people learn to help yourself.
Even the best of snakes, however, is a snake.
Tolerance of evil is very closely bordering on indifference to the right.
Real love is a modest and shy.
man who wants to insist on anything, puts the fate of giving up.
paradoksālāka on women\'s mind. Women are very difficult to convince of something: she needs to be brought to an extent that they convince themselves. Learn their dialectic means to flip upside down in your mind all logic, the law school to learn.

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