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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Poems for your greeting cards


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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv

Poems / Aphorisms

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wrangler more irritated and worried, which is not true.
Jāmācās pain expose myself! If they do not govern over you!
What age was self-evident and simple, over the years adopted a more complex form.
the perfect art school to be counted in the rosy glasses.
elect roads are admirable, but not always understood.
forgive yourself less, other - more.
Be, to exist, to breathe, to feel and realize the magnificent flow of life around you - but it the highest happiness of each conscious Being.
sasmelt can not discard the water, broken container can not make a whole, can not turn back time. Life never goes ahead.
no fate, but there are circumstances liktenība; nothing seamless and ready, is just a small, variegated stones, which we ourselves Alluvial together and create a mosaic of his life.
Life is full of fog and invisible rock. One wrong step - and your stomach is undermined, and there is no dock, where people\'s lives can be corrected. Dangerous places to drive more slowly and with deliberation.
Life is movement, struggle, risk and competition. Where there is no struggle, there is no change and become pamirums
By the time everything will pass. Is not lost just our job, it\'s what we make and create.
never too late to do something good.
. . . bias is usually a lack of logic and prejudiced people are never fair.
Will picks up the mountains, everything under the sun is possible.

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