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About Us

How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv

Poems / Aphorisms

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All the healthiest, most beautiful and proportionate people are the ones that are nothing neuzbudina.
Oh, those were happy days when I still believed everything I heard!
hiding their weaknesses, not become better, our reputation brings openness with which we recognize these shortcomings.
All the world\'s evil is often explained by the old laws, old customs, old perverse respect for religion.
not the man who would be willing to do something nasty about ten thousand, if half of this amount, he can stay upright and honest.
not be allowed to take the torch of truth through a crowd of people, one neapsvilinot beard, other headgear.
If a wise man can hit the way that he apstulbst, I do not understand why the fucker can not hit, so that he becomes wise.
A wise man is reflected in the letters of the human character, which it is addressed.
Tutorials life found in more than a consolation.
Most people live in the light of more fashion than of reason.
Nenojauciet too hastily building which is not very convenient to the new nenokļautu inconvenience. Increase it gradually.
jāskaņojas present. This is called a plan. Without it, nothing in the world can not be successful.
to his work to be honest, it should not ridicule, do half as if the anticipation of bigger and better next time.
without talent will not work, not the form or expression.
believe in love and can not be a party.

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