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Poems / Aphorisms

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Necessity is the last and most powerful weapon.
significant events often have minor conditions.
disabilities is counterbalanced by the judgment of the soul.
Daily pulgodami villains, neattaisnojiet them when you can order them fine!
Can someone who was just as dastardly as could be useful, does not deserve that everyone hates him?
, which celebrates the villainous people, unable to commit himself to any vanity.
Remember, the judges, that, not punishing people who can not speak, but in punishing powerful speakers, do you show the way to deter others from crime
Where the lack of a lion skin, need to sew a piece of fox.
ability to provide what we like, we call pessimism.
There are many things that should be destroyed before they appear.
Sheep and Wolf each other understand the word freedom, there also lies in the human society and settlement of the prevailing conflict is all about.
politician reminds me of the man who killed his father and mother, and after having read the judgment, asking her pardon, for he was an orphan.
Books are required even if only to remind people that his Original thought is not of original.
Almost all the men able to endure the publicity, but if you would like to check the man\'s character, give it power.
My life experience has shown that people without any defects are also beaten a few good qualities.

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