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How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Poems for your greeting cards


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Mob: +371 29828152
Email : info@eurika.lv

Poems / Aphorisms

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We judge ourselves by their ability to do something, while others we will be judged by what we have done.
human greed for gold is even stronger than murderous.
Forget yourself, then the world will remember you.
Women stain until death.
Love is strong as lightning but no thunder struck, the strongest and the most kicks are nice.
little person in a small hill, a giant in a big hole.
Nothing neglaimo man and woman\'s opinion that only he has the original of flirtation way.
no right to punish the child he who does not love the child.
are the hardest to convince a woman that a clever man, and the world of politics is a completely different person than in the private life.
woman silently filled and drink a cup of your love, but a man speaking as dry mouth, while at first drink.
no one has yet been able to be so tricky to conceal that their properties.
He who decided to succeed in politics, his conscience should be closely monitored.
world increasingly looks more like a mad house, run by lunatics.
There\'s nothing more dangerous to try to overcome the gulf with two springboard.
remain silent, we learn only later in life, in the past we have already learned to speak.

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