Maxims of Life
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Poems / Maxims of Life

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decides, life will give an infinite number of other options.
You always will want more, but you will never receive any more until we both physically and mentally ready.
wrong living, followed by the failure of the shadow, it happens, break beat money to get it and immediately returned. Properly live by everything you ievēlies
moment is the moment when the share of reality, the question is to you, which you wish to continue our conscious existence?
Before birth, we choose a family peidzimstam.
Small children and old people are closer to God.
Reanimation doctor is a professor of life.
Joinery live, live, and then dies. People like that.
People are born to suffer and die. Suffer, and die, and die. . and not out of the scene.
person is born because of previous lives (in) sadarītajiem works. Finds himself, co-do.
your past life you remember childhood briefly. Like a dream in the morning.
child, turned his attention to the floor crushed, not punam. It is thought the pain will go spared. Also, you.
\"cannibal beast eats away the old man and little girl!\" This is a review of the fairy tale for children \"Little Red\".
If you do not like violence, especially against animals, then why have you admired the Disney cartoons?
waking from 100 hours per week your child is with you, and how the computer or TV box? And the same? Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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