None of us is not the same age, who was young, none of us in the morning is not the same one that was the day before. Our bodies are being caught off the river. Nothing to see, do not remain constant. The river is more clearly visible than in man, but also brings us to leave no less rapid flow. Saturiņicīts>
In a world that is eternal and nepieveicama, change and not remain the same. So do not be afraid that one day it will happen, what happens every day. Saturiņicīts>
Modesty can prolong aging, which I believe is not coveted, not dismissed. Saturiņicīts>
Everything but left not because it would be eternal, but because it protects the holder of the universe care: not immortal defender. Creator of this world to be protected, under its own power uzveikdams matter fragility. Saturiņicīts>
Much pamper yourself, that want us to praises that are doing just the opposite. What other torture, hears the call itself infinitely gentle, who prey on others - the amazingly generous as to drinking and lust - the abstinence model. This has the effect that did not want to change, consider ourselves as nice people. Saturiņicīts>
My father taught me how to live, he lived
himself and allowed me to watch.
We are a family - a little strange personality
A set of hand in hand capo through life, sharing diseases and toothpaste, invading one another\'s desserts,
hiding shampoo, borrowing money, mūķējot open
aizkritušas locks to izpestītu iespundētos
brothers and sisters, telling each other the pain and healing
them, loving, laughing, supporting and trying to figure out
what exactly is the fine thread that all of us
united. . .
family quarrels - an antiquated love another
pain and elation place. Flesh and blood. Boil,
surprised baby cries, the joy of salty mothers face. When you\'re here [maternity hospital], you feel that you know what life is key. And so it is. Here
hear the sentimental pačalošanu here feel the same
God\'s presence. But it takes a little while, and come back to-
the sun, pretending that everything forgotten, representation, there are more important things needs to be done. But more important than that already.
Every mother knows the feeling when the heart opens into the basement, and love. Everything else is background
Noise and men.
Children are our messages forever by themselves nepiedzīvosim.
There are only two lasting value of what we want to
our children will inherit. One of these is roots, the other - wings.
I am not able to bring up children, because I myself have
a child. . . I myself am a son. . . Every morning I put myself in the world. . .
you give your child, which you will learn to discover, nurture and educate. Require other answers are the same,
to ask for foreign women give birth to your child.
There are lessons that can be born only of your own
pain, and that they are the most valuable.
Children need more sleep. They snauž day and
night - constantly wants to sleep, to rest from the reality in which they had been so brutally and thrown into the inevitable.
All the world\'s children crying in the same language. Saturiņicīts> Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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