Children charity organisation
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Poems /

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the blue eternity I look at
And I do not lack it than -
As the king of the golden chariot
Sees a painting of a distant, ancient.
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There are only a morning and evening,
And the beginning and end,
And our life song
So I went bird voice.
[ ]
us to connect,
Knowledge to us with a new, permanent make:
As the two shores of the river along there,
It is one of the other we would never not go anywhere,
Even in death we will not bars -
Heart of darkness over the sun rays.
[ ]
Goodbye, his father\'s house,
Goodbye, māmulīt,
To my dear comes the sun
You all warm.
[ ]
way of life is over,
I leave to you,
Tec, sister, opens the gates
And opens them again shut.
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I started in march unfamiliar
Dziest daylight gentle,
Eyes grow dark green forest.
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to mother earth nature
You give a lot more fun,
I have dark sand walls
Getting used to life.
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A man loses his mother\'s death
The most expensive, which he had held šaisaulē.
At that moment he becomes poor, lonely and old,
Is his life in the sun set or just jump.
[ ]
Dusiet sweet life spans!
You bear a gentle turn to the ground,
Night and Day silently turn,
Sad to go from face to face.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Poems /

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