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Poems /

Page : 3
taken off the coasts of life my spirit.
As the bird in the sun sees outbound aircraft
Over the bright waters of the dreams away
The irrelevance of what not reach no ray of light.
For life divorce, we all become doubly nice
And the glitter starts to slag and ash.
[ ]
Aust aurora red,
Wind blows the pine darkly.
Soon approached the tomb gates -
And life will be ended.
[ ]
flower has opened its eyes closed,
Wood glaužas tree present.
The sad drinking cup,
You come to greet them.
[ ]
sun was shining and warm gently. . .
High above the ataudziņām
Us may get dreams. Followed by the heart.
[ ]
Everything is futile and contumely,
What we sometimes apprehending the appetite.
Mother\'s love gold
Ever shines above all.
[ ]
What did you so deep, heart,
You say it, the time tell the story -
There suffering the stone sank
With shining drop of happiness.
[ ]
A rich life of joy
Skaidrojies and pain!
With the birds greeted the sun,
With bent grass.
[ ]
Oh, unique light moment
What shines in darkness us short!
Are you a gold star in Shine, shine
After the death of our sky?

No, can not be! We are stars,
Admitted to the sky reflection:
The more we bring dreams chest,
In the longer desires to bring light to us!
[ ]
Heart without measure skumdama,
Zin, which is again lost:
Golden book of life
Closed down the side of the page.
[ ]
sky bends over land
Distant, never nesniedzama.
Life couples starodama.
Come on, light starodama.
[ ]
All empty and quiet. One heart alone.
There is no longer in their life at the wall.
Black raven wings slowly heaves,
Where once blāzmoja sky blue.
[ ]
longer than you. Left with nothing.
Drop my days of eternity,
As the dew drops falling from the tree,
When autumn winds in their circle.
[ ]
Light wind scat, leaves are falling.
Where flew, Soul
So far, a long way?
Life during a slow day
I did not met you,
Only green trees in the shade
You put a rose on the grave.
[ ]
darkness grows as severe grief
And the heart is constantly pressed.
Where the Sun, your golden feet
Which brings us to the path of light is rotated?
[ ]
You do not need anymore than that,
Than the green part of life,
You\'ve long since passed away,
Which has neither beginning nor end.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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