owls flight
So quiet
Word came down among us.
Sit pulse.
How tight the sky!
Wind - embarrassment.
But we fell in the middle
Name quiet
How do owls flight. Saturiņicīts>
How do I meet you Autumn grove
If I\'m going to birch alone?
Come! Leaf gold, NIRS,
And the gold-rich will have all year.
Sharp, naked branches hitting me in the face.
Why are equally close it?
Cool snow flakes spinning dance.
Not all? - Did not take anything. Saturiņicīts>
feelings, sensations dzenamies
As the hounds after foxes.
Forgotten and left feeling
Hill behind erubescent apsēm.
And sort feelings, sensations,
The new and enjoy.
And thirsty, salkstoši disappears
In this maelstrom, the same drive.
Then bites the nails of aspen
With horror, with thoughts difficult.
But frantic gaze wander around.
-What, the devil, here they have the feeling
Thank you snow, which you shall place away! -
Shortness of us will meet again.
And over all that hurts me is missing,
Across the calm, white cloud go.
Thank you snow. . . But for how long
Solar wind without even days sies?
And over all that hurts me is missing,
Hail clouds lumbering will run. . . Saturiņicīts>
izauda stone waiting
Briskly - and a big ass.
You can both hand and foot to give,
But the heart of stone lying in wait,
And nesašķels, neaizvels the
Not a giant pain, not joy a little goblin.
Has grown into a stone waiting
And forcing the heart - and a big ass. Saturiņicīts>
As the city - peace,
Because I miss you.
As a tramp - a house,
Because I miss you.
As the patient - the air,
Because I miss you.
As the rain - the sun,
Because I miss you.
butterfly dies,
For you - my meadow.
Like an eagle I will build,
For you - my sky.
I\'ll go in the world -
You shall call over seas.
I šķelšu stones -
You\'ll be building a house.
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