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Poems /

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Pond subtly washed ashore. Seamlessly as women can enter the heart of favorable compliments.
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every woman and her husband walking next to, like when another man in their desires.
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soul contains something dark and mysterious, which makes them susceptible to all kinds of superstitions and weakening the forces of man.
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The reality may be attracted only a hundredth of women, even less with the truth, but a lie - they are all obtainable.
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Women? - Sphinx without a secret.
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woman is always met by a man, a child or a dog\'s soul. Men will satisfy the flesh.
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If you have been able to explore a woman are thoroughly, do not reveal it to her, or you will be enemies.
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I\'m not about women, but I am for men.
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instinctive kaunīgums may be feeling that will never completely do not leave a woman and makes her wrap coat of virtue to vice headlong exhaustion give more fascination and sharpness.
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Thousands of women have been socialized for a specific sample, and they have been unable to accept the reality
that we, the adults themselves are responsible for yourself.
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woman with her pretended resistance and nepadošanos sakāpinājusi are men of passion and madness - it gets the women\'s admiration
and throughout erotiskajā poetry.
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woman is always threatened by man\'s soul.
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woman will be calm, when early
make calm.
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One woman is as bad as each other.
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woman is like an axiom, which need not be proved. Her existence is to take care of the offspring, and this
purpose, she also brought up. Lots of sunshine, fresh air and water. She and her husband would not be concerned with the designation of the body.
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Poems /

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