Children charity organisation
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Poems /

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educated people as valuable fatherland.
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When one went crazy, others are becoming smarter. In nature, there is nothing not going obliterated.
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If you\'ve got your nose in front of closed doors, it still did not mean that you can not go inside. . . If you\'ve got congestion in front yard, you know, so that it would lead you to be over. . . Do not be afraid of puniem! This is the basic law of your life!
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When there are no way out, but the output is. Then there remains a risk.
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Who honestly goes on the road, it never lost again, but what will be the message of the wonders of the depths of the forest?
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misshapen, like a beautiful prison.
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Many do not lose the mind only because they do not.
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really love, but my own.
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have to apologize in advance to accuse himself.
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Silly is what the fool does not see, and even more stupid is that of wandering fools.
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backlog do already consider it a make.
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great misfortune to be useless, but at least - try to not be valid for all and always.
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of speeches area wise unrecognizable. Not with his voice, he kept talking, but the folly of human voice, even though it does not share the same soul.
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Happiness loves the brave - like beauty - the new.
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Men are good diplomats strange things, but women are good diplomats - in their own affairs.
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Poems /

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