Children charity organisation
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Poems /

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The greater danger, the more glory.
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Truth is no need to hide.
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People come and go, but make him stay.
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my main foreign policy principle of good governance within the country.
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people who leave their money Their Heir, show of mercy: he simply has no other choice.
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Policy in a maze from which escape more difficult than it enters.
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If someone says he does not believe in genetics, which means that his children are doing nonsense.
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We cheat on a woman, she melodami. On the contrary, he deceives us, izlikdamās that believe in what we say.
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Do not speak ill of women. They do it better than I do.
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Some men got what deserve. The rest are single.
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If we have become indifferent to the woman on our knees is a heavy burden.
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largest error we make rather than believing that women love us, but believing that we love her.
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Marriage is seldom the fruit of the mind, divorce - always.
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lucky man is one who earns more than they can eat into his wife. But veiksminiece woman is the one who mācējusi find such a man.
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hotel doorman is a genius who with one hand opened my car door, the other hand to help me out to get out and find the another hand, the stretch of fine drink.
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Poems /

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