Children charity organisation
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How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Poems /

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we chat with the sky.
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The temptation is always dressed in a silk dress.
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kisses leave scars in the heart of the smallpox disease.
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lectures encouraged us saying: \"As you all know. . . \"
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Ties shortest end of the envy of the longest that it can be seen.
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face a mirror of the soul, just vague.
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Do not lose a sense of humor. Humor man is the same as the rose.
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Each will be just, but not everyone is successful.
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Respect for people is respect for yourself.
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There was a time when people thought the holy simplicity that improving clock fate of the world will develop favorably.
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the absence of an unknown element, life becomes meaningless game.
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Politics is too important a matter to be left to politicians.
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politician so far do not believe in your own words, that always wondering when the other understands him literally.
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politics have to transfer to their country or the electorate. I prefer the second.
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Poems /

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