Children charity organisation
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How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Poems /

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Over the years, the silence becomes a human friend.
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The human mind is the measure of his ability to doubt.
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If God exists, then atheism he might seem less an insult than religion.
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Women always love his bad people.
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province even the rain is fun.
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Genius is the talent of a deceased person.
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Whoever nenicina success, it is not worthy.
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neiemīlēsi obligation will not be able to do so.
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Silly beauty is not beauty. Will open up a silly beauty, deep look at each of her facial features, every smile, the look - and her striking beauty mazpamazām turn into ugliness.
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Without victims, without effort and difficulty can not live in the world: life is a garden, which grows only flowers.
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Neither slave nor the commander of friendship is not required. Friendship loves equality.
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At night the streets are wider than a day.
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Cafe donkihoti sparkling eyes looking fan, thinking that they are windmills.
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Vinegar is a wine that becomes the monastery.
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alarm clock\'s call: you phone time.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Poems /

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