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Poems /

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Where to find words that would be comforting,
When a person is buried disēt hurry,
When waiting for a broken life span
And goodbye to so many who owe.
[ ]
Zvaigzēm tonight near
Rye tufts radiation,
Countless of life
Sasējis as you, Father.
[ ]
Stars tonight near
Flower of thousands of branches,
Mother, all of life
Had time to plant and sow.
[ ]
Well, māmulīt and shoulder scarf
Your life is finally knit.
Lying black green pair
And the thread on the sand stīdz.
[ ]
darkest hour divorce
So few are able to give up on you
Behind the gates of eternity, where the words
No longer hear or understand.
[ ]
divorce darkest hour
When the shadow becomes your caress,
Dad, it is us, which further
Well your life story will be played.
[ ]
Away, away over the world in the threshold
Leaching sands of lau
[ ]
Dusia, white māmuliņa,
Father land you in class!
Your noble life Minho
Our hearts will keep.
[ ]
It is good to be a man fading
Behind ststāt clear swath of light,
Of his life in something very close to,
When you leave yourself far, far away ...
This friend\'s name and the heart,
Of which righteousness and love current,
And beautiful eyes that shine so Gourde -
All this death can not be deleted.
To your gentle shade leaves
We were on a weekday or a hard heart.
As a consolation, and the sample households,
We have a deep clarity of tālēm send.
[ ]
All that you have the ability to say,
Hungry Heart Cemetery with the wind.
[ ]
how glorious life of a man
Having no hope of Nava!
Another fire rose blossoms and fall -
How were lively song and he goes
Rožukokiem of combustible,
From your love.
[ ]
of songs divorced,
But the song inseparable from you,
Melodies and clear, clean
You are my people have given themselves.
[ ]
How fragile at times it seems life!
As slightly wavy spark,
What every moment of freedom to blow out,
In too great pains can not she glow.
[ ]
of working life
Vizmojoša String
Runs clear, clean,
It is like a giant lyre,
Oats infinity.
[ ]
your people,
When you hand in Sligo,
Remain nesarauta
Lifetime subtle strings.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Poems /

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