Children charity organisation
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Poems /

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French people have a cat who, even if it happens to fall off the dangerous height, but never infringe his neck, but each time instant position of the feet.
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the will of all his property to his wife wish on condition that she marry again. I want to be sure that at least one man weeping for my death.
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What is love? It is the heart of a toothache.
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woman - it is both an apple and a snake, while at the same time.
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A woman is only one way to make us happy, and thirty thousand - to bring us misfortune.
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nature and destiny - the only force which should never refuse to comply.
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World is nothing more than vanity, which imposes a variety of masks.
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wheel of history turned fools and fraudsters. They rule over the world. They are also the world.
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Reasonable risk - visslavējamākā part of human intelligence.
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unreasonableness of the era of free-running sense condemns its owner.
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The best way to predict the future - remember what that was.
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Crooks whining makes him just as vulnerable as a stupid lack of education.
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All disputes about religion reminds dispute between two men because women, that no one of them does not like.
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is like a river - the deeper, more silent flow.
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Where lack of mind, all lacking.
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Poems /

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