Zobel klabinot aizdeso Jumis
everything so green and all that cold
jade this summer hens except pupae
maybe not at all decided to flourish
Hunter has a passion pressed the trigger
ball in flight and not look
which is both delicate freesia forced
with pujenēm walk walk
I built the worlds this summer
grief concrete building on the
how cruel is my screws
jade has no place anywhere
izkūp life with a cigarette in the air
and tomcat on a home climbing stairs
oh my beautiful flying my short
oh my damn how do you save
to house four stone steps
and hours of each turtle resting
we were alone, we have some very
at you four stone steps
Former quietly mention. Saturiņicīts>
long to ever find peace in yourself,
What all of us to give light and happiness, -
Thine heart silenced,
Better coverage either, Dusia
Aizbrida sun
Behind the black sky,
Faded guntiņa
On the hearth of the house. Saturiņicīts>
hilltop bear my bed,
Soft white sand kapagultā
Hanging up under the high pine roots.
Root embrace me a thousand hands
Will protect me, keep me warm. Saturiņicīts>
gates of Death
As laced,
For our higher-cost
Can no longer be tomorrow? Saturiņicīts>
Sun joins, finds the morning:
Dew-coated face of the earth,
White-bounds asru fast forward. Saturiņicīts>
falling down rue,
Astra falling down -
Heart so hard. Saturiņicīts>
Then a smile on face of the Earth fly
Then the time rustling softly aizviļņos
And musicians will stop That Takes Place without number,
Time atelst go, and will end in his occur. Saturiņicīts>
morning dew - noon can not be lost;
No smell krislīts - the swelling breeze, wither away;
Not a ray of sunshine over laughing:
In general, all of life resides. Saturiņicīts>
Not deep thought - the brain is loosening, loosening;
Not gentle feel - shut up your heart, gaist;
Not your hot love goes out;
All mankind to live forever. Saturiņicīts>
morning -
Reads the wind grieved lute pink mist
Crown dew sparkles in the distance behind me,
I am a morning, morning away. Saturiņicīts>
nau me anymore than that I handle.
My boat from the shore open rice,
So slow wave lifted bow sail.
In time, all hearts are getting -
When you lost all that can still be lost,
As a hero. Saturiņicīts>
I gave all the forces,
And other life I no longer Nava. Saturiņicīts>
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