Children charity organisation
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Poems /

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pain dark shadow falls across the road -
How can I protect you, say, māmulīt
[ ]
had no time, she did not manage to
Listen to the trees th ...
And slips out of hand Raudinas,
And diamond disappears from the eyes.
[ ]
walked on across the fields,
Where the light rye sowing,
He wanted to pick up the ear,
Rock sank ... could not.
[ ]
you will find someone standing at the door, but I will not be there,
I set in stone, flowers and sheet of paper will be.
Themselves will take up only a handful of white wind,
But directly you handfuls of this pitrūks seven spans.
[ ]
Kluss starojums no guys. Klusums TIRS.
Neejiet you, you - Vina ziedējusi.
You nelāčojiet - ābeļziedos availabe,
un lakatiņš, co Vina atstājusi.
[ ]
as a prayer for me. All of us
to secure for the worse we feel.

Protect himself sky
no longer just a black ash viz
like life - boil and details.
[ ]
adore Their hands there,
THEN opened and released a Handful of somewhere
The Asterisk gloomy ...
[ ]
hold your tears -
now a lot of hurt,
now no longer cry

I guess the flower will be the place,
Where it cried and laughed.
[ ]
We just go away.
[ ]
How easy do you go
Between Midsummer and Peter.
Summer envelops you arm around her shoulders
And takes
On the road between rye and pasture.
We remain
Only our own
Neizraudātās tears
How ever neizpēlētās
Childhood games.
Chilled, rough autumn light
You fall down on the forehead.
Tell me, mamma, how can I
You warm?
[ ]
Pīpūd, māmeņ,
Nanūsorguoju that you,
That naizjiemu
Suopu krysta either tovom drabūšom rūkom.

Not no more pain, no tears,
God handed us a hit.
Tek tecēdama sun,
Leaching, the dead couple.
[ ]
Every year a go of us who are not going no place.
[ ]

more sad
calls dun ...

Memorial fly
golden perch
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Poems /

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