Children charity organisation
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Poems /

Page : 4
Nothing, nothing sorry. Already affected
I eyelids lead fingers.
Skirts and coniferous forest spirit
Coming late to turn over a tree.
[ ]
Take a deep depths
A single trail ...
And land
courts take their land.
[ ]
Nothing has happen,
Unless the parties broke down in trench
And rock falls
Trusting the shoulder.
Nothing can happen.
What will stop in the street,
And instead of stars
Patch heal bitter.
[ ]
The sky is too blue
The foliage is green too
Go to the heart of one of the parties file
Brin and his eyes remain open
The bird over-runs
But in my eyes does not reject
And pine tired hip
For ever and ever away Brien.
[ ]
baltmaizīte throat judging,
It should be swallowed - it\'s this morning.
And spēkavītam ground return,
When his work is completely done.

Not true that the stars go out quietly,
No - stars burn and burning the land goes down.
[ ]
nothingness just feel
That will not go away go
There where four winds meet
We will meet once again.
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Page : 4

Poems /

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