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Poems /

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perfect woman - radiate the eternal feminine beauty and life to be beautiful and true joy and sorrow, work and love - and a friend\'s mother\'s holy love.
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Nature imposed on women so much suffering that we just can align with the utmost kindness and
care. And we will be binding her to feel pain.
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woman of the same nature on the importance of altruism, citmīlas, good medium - as a mother.
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When the three come together in Telugu women, even during the day flashing stars.
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woman laughs when you can, and cries when he wants.
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love is beautiful, or loved one is beautiful?
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Women will able to crush the rock.
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If the house is like a bowl full, honor and glory due to the woman.
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Weeping bride, laughing wife.
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One woman made is worth more than a hundred men talk.
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The beautiful mistress, the better the beer.
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sorrow we know a friend, wife, servant, mind and courage.
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If a woman wants, she makes up the ass, man.
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When a woman set to work, the house becomes a real house.
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mother all his life remains small.
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Poems /

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