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Poems /

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The world is not a word that can express how much I love you. . .
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some people is something that does not allow them to forget. . . usually the simplest and most people are magic!
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Men can be analyzed, women. . . only worship.
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soul is the nation\'s lifeblood.
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I love you, world, mainly about your women and perfume.
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whole world and all that inhabit it, is beautiful, but the most beautiful is the good-hearted, loving woman.
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woman do you enjoy most natural mistake.
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If you want to write about a woman, soaked feathers and rainbow notraus pollen of butterfly wings on paper. . .
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woman with frailty, viskailākā flesh of all living creatures, and also its most beautiful, gentle.
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woman - natural and last name, first smile. Of the women had uttered poetry, from her voice -
music, and her legs iemītajās footsteps grew flowers.
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. . . nothing is better than a woman!
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mother, mistress, family is the heart and will become more real and the maker of the popular teacher.
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All the best, that alone can be a woman: courage, cheerfulness and simplicity.
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Biologists and psychologists already known long ago: the beloved adores a good mind behind the rise, it is a woman.
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Women are generally people who are beloved adores
surrendered at best.
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Poems /

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