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Poems /

Page : 5
on the lips like honey melts in minutes,
we allocated scarce.
Morning they ZUS oak crowns.
Morning poppy litter.
[ ]
And when the great span is over,
Your name must remain
The new track or in the ear.
Debesmala red lights.
Called us from home.
[ ]
Burns as an eternal memory of those
Who rose in the sky ...
Debesmala red lights
As the torch.
[ ]

for life
the link fine.
There are now anyway.
[ ]
wonderful, warm world ...
Behind seas Trejdeviņi it? Oh no!
We each have a Happy Island
the parent rock palaunadzi share.
Steaming on the table Karasin sweet, sweet.
[ ]
And all the more to the table.

and the wind is ever new, and wind
the hall spans the ark
on your long-memory ...

and so we do not die
[ ]
Mother, a wheat cake,
one shirt and one kiss.
The world is so huge,
but you make me one.
[ ]
How can I meet you anymore
Seasoned ran,
as you can see?
the burnt candles?
[ ]
already. No tears
they also dried.
Let\'s meet there - on the side.
Definitely will.
[ ]
I\'ll go so slow
as the pain leaves the chest,
as the stone becomes submerged land
like a bird, a fly hard.
[ ]
So calm, calm,
with black leaves
thrives in silence
his mother\'s grave.
[ ]
miķelīši and light ...
Mother, do not not look.
I do not know how your life.
I can not go back.
[ ]
Sura was my song ...
Where the song left?
Earth mother hid
beneath the green turf.
[ ]
Ticker moments away
With every drop of life.
Dissipate heat ņirbstošais caresses.
Fan out in thought,
And remain as
Shadow on the wall, footprint in sand,
Švīkstošais bird wing span ...
[ ]
long swallows fly anymore.
Well peace.
For all peace ...
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Poems /

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