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Poems /

Page : 4
fall blob
There\'s a blob ...
Perch are organized lid.
Couples coming,
across the exit
a blue candle sprakst ...
[ ]
There was a long way to go.
Deep in the autumn to go.
Until the last oglītei
Even under the snow glow.
[ ]
the well twist of Cemeteries
Eve draws a deep sky.
Gathered in the Godos -
so many visitors love.
[ ]
to thy funeral fine feather
from heaven, the same love ber.
Ground covers, grass, trees, moss
And somehow excuse hopes.
[ ]
past I wanted to be a star,
but then to Greenfield neatkļūt,
where I rocked here, where I here the sound,
and, of course, nemiršu.
But what if?
What if ...
[ ]
Along the cherry clusters,
through the gray twilight of dawn,
on your toes so quietly
May miss the thunder in the first
along the strawberry beds where flowers
lying, more pages titi,
go, go mazpamazām
our māmulītes ...
[ ]
You never close not entitled to
Low low sky sun roof.
And you stay away echo
and never close not due.
[ ]
it - and pass away,
even when not pull or tear?
Light filled branch
Two pupils sit.
[ ]
Sun throws you off the footbridge.
Sun you had friends.
Pupils remain on this side.
Two lapkritī.
With pielijušām heaven smagrām,
month when the laundry on the earth gumst,
div candles aizdegsim rum early this autumn,
div candle to her, who had a mother to us.
[ ]
This year will be missed on the hair.
A dark road in the dark
[ ]
Whatever despair seems still wants
pulled off a leaf on the stem sticks,
crazy rain against the panes are inclined -
returned a chunk of looses.
[ ]
Deep peace of the stone overgrown brands.
A few more laps - in a slower, more so
and then have all
before the autumn gold skirt
over the mountain ridge in my garden come.
[ ]
Day already counted.
Soon will come the last frost.
[ ]
when I walked past
not listen
when I was close to
did not stop
when it has the ability to
[ ]
either white candle
struggling with the wind

and a white candle
fluttering fluttering in the wind
your and my
fluttering in our poetry
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Page : 4

Poems /

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