Stay left,
Stay the cornerstone of a twist.
Stay songs
the highest note. Saturiņicīts>
between the shores of Flaming Bridge
... crumbles IrDA,
Crumbles gray sand.
. . Pain flowers bloom in bright vivid ...
New buds are bursting sides. Saturiņicīts>
still dun fire under your feet - deep in the earth.
Moreover the sun just to drill the world.
In the same way over your head vibrate sky ...
than anywhere like that. Saturiņicīts>
track begins when the road is over,
the sand bed, where needles Gourde.
Where, soul, so white, in a hurry?
Where? Saturiņicīts>
you thought gone into the garden and quiet.
It is silent plants, looking at us.
If done so, to be survived with honor,
more of your day - the birds in the sky. Saturiņicīts>
I am here among you yet.
Very close.
As a shadow,
Sun pārslīdot fields.
While I stindzina whiff of eternity,
I am here alone.
Just as I am. Saturiņicīts>
life in his eyes wide.
As in a dream flashed -
and no neatskatās ...
that dream realized
that my caresses anymore
see as in a dream:
Haron brought black paddles. Saturiņicīts>
still have your footprints in the sand
free wave club canceled;
makoņtāli wind Vedas
white paladziņos tears ...
Moment shrinks and mulst:
Sun Sea lap is borne ...
Oh, go on clouds,
Land as clouds rained ...
But memory tells me, had.
But memory tells me, you were.
But the candle burns - being established. Saturiņicīts>
only my own,
Solar bells ringing,
pine buds burst Sartene parties ...
Go tomorrow, on the cross, pulled shoulder and arm,
and allows for a lonely thimbleful raining. Saturiņicīts>
The stone after the sunset more heat is stored,
Dreams, love and memories remain of the heart. Saturiņicīts> Garīgās izaugsmes forums
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