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How we started charity since we were only 14 years young

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Poems / Jokes

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- Do you like warm vodka?
- No.
- And the sweaty ladies?
- Of course not!
- Very good, will go on vacation in the winter!
[ Jokes ]
company staff meeting on the eve of the 10th anniversary:
- The 5-year anniversary, we sametāmies boss and took to the Himalayas. . . What dāvināsim this year?
- Maybe this year sametamies and brought them back?
[ Jokes ]
boss enters the office and watch - all in one cigarette smoke:
- I told you that smoking during working hours!
One of the employees, shaking off cigarette ash indifferent turns and asks:
- Does not anyone work?
[ Jokes ]
Boy with tin cans, goes to the police:
- Onkulīt, will help to open up, please?
Cop knocks on the tin:
- Go to the police!
[ Jokes ]
- Do you fish without bones is?
- No! But a sausage without meat
[ Jokes ]
Slave comes to the boss:
- If you asked me nepaaugstināsiet salary of 100 lats, I\'ll tell everyone that raised an 200
[ Jokes ]
guy asking his acquaintance must:
- Why to you with more married people than young people?
- A married my vociferation to suffer.
[ Jokes ]
A joke is a good thing if it is understood
[ Jokes ]
Enšteins invented the atomic bomb, he realized that no Nobel Prize for longer will not help.
[ Jokes ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Droši vari arī apmeklēt forumu kurā vari dalīties pats vai arī lasīt citu cilvēku pieredzes : Channelinga forums

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