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Page : 4
HAVE TO DO Kittens

Have to do a kitten -
Pelens catch is it.
Gray mice
Four cats on top of Brooke.
In cats, it seems, well, this is the end,
Pelens laughs in full voice
Dance your mouse Waltz
Turning and sang:
\"Tra-ta-way tra-ta-course,
How, then it is understandable?
What about jokes, where it fits?
Four cats catch the mouse!
Catch and catch, and catch can;
Maybe that\'s why can not catch,
That they eat too much and weighs?
Dear cat gentlemen,
Are you a leg instead of clubs?
Do you have stomach or cart?
I am not a river in cancer!
It does not have a cat, but the slum,
Such better in bed slumber,
Such better say I,
There are bowls of soup to eat.
Is it neat cat may
Be a midget obtrusive?!
Do you cats something Makati?
You pretīgāki of earthworms. \"
Have to do a kitten -
Pelens catch is it.
When the mouse will come another time,
Then he jumped off winner gets the other!
He trained four times a day,
Ran several simtmetrus.
Now their morning my
Let\'s Build a morning exercise.
Come out very well, quietly.
Only the mouse disappeared!
Water, or fallen?
[ ]

Pony girl line,
Small pony boys line,
Powered by a circle of smooth progress
And to him the number of laps.
Area with stately step
It turns out the horses, black and white
To enter the parade line.
The fiery blanket covered
Shoulders of the horse pirates.
Sad is neigh pony:
- Does the horse have not, I ask?
I, too, there will drasēt!
Ask the children - whether it is
Pony worse than a horse?
I am a bird that can šauties
And with the enemy to fight,
I can take and I can bear!
I can, I can, I can!
Come, you generals,
Zoopark Sunday
Ate, ate the chicken,
Chicken eats very little.
Durable I\'m a walker,
The camel has its marching -
Pull the legs under me,
Sit me back!
[ ]
sing jump

There are no Pēcim as
My own house with four walls,
Where animals meet in the village
Sing, jump.
Comes in red deer,
The nest bears some
Comes mērkaķiene one
Sing, jump.
Comes in soft roe mouths
Although very tired,
Comes to Behemoth
Sing, jump.
Comes in raspberry
Through the forest,
Comes raccoons and hedgehogs,
From here the river crayfish crawling -
Sing, jump.
I placed singing,
On pupil called me,
Here is passed to the house -
Sing, jump.
Of cats
Hidden away,
I Kerui flies silently,
But always managed to
I am sing.
Once all the large grows
And fly away from the nests,
There is no fear anymore, when the mustache
Tight ņaudiens cat sounds,
But the real pleasures to indulge
At Pecs
Merry feast
As a whole forest to the people
More like, I like it.
[ ]
TICKET summer cottage in

Cashier at the window sits
Viewing your tickets.
Please, money box ordered:
- A ticket to the summer,
I can go to the same,
Camel with kamielēnu,
Bears themselves, bear children,
Baby elephant, a sixth year.
In my living room,
They sleep in my bed,
Will rise over the hills and hummocks,
Atpūtīšos, up the same,
Bears grow to bear children,
Camel with kamielēnu,
Baby elephant, a sixth year.
The road bends along the anthill,
Buckets in the hands of baskets in the hands of
Only bathing bikšelēs
We ran raspberries,
Hazel bush waiting for us wide,
Herd ran - ran the same,
Bears will run to bear children,
Camel with kamielēnu,
Baby elephant, a sixth year.
While the pain of shingles,
All are afraid of the beasts,
That I will put them to stay.
On the shelf but they will cry,
Sigh, scream again,
If I go with one away.
Must not forget it and can not,
As a medicine they gave me,
Persuaded, sick set
I would prefer to complete charts,
Said: \"Do not be sad either by yourself!\"
Bears themselves, bear children,
Camel with kamielēnu,
Baby elephant, a sixth year. -
The cashier then click the button,
Gave a ticket through the window,
Said it
To everyone hears:
- Leave nepieklājas friends!
Sad to live in empty houses.
I understand that the oath they fear
Even if crawling out of his chips.
Therefore, my decision is:
To drive the bears, bear children,
Camel with kamielēnu,
Baby elephant, a sixth year.
[ ]

Darkness full Pazar.
I sleep, I watch movies.
Sit down and corner stool,
Dream embroidering bird cages.
There\'s a crocodile dance alive.
As he entered the cage?
When I modīšos -
I have to ask it!
[ ]
HAPPY Beetles

- Where you ran, beetles,
Blue velvet feet?
My hand has become
It is for your home.
- Puspasaules izskrējies,
Capo on the road,
Lie was nolicies
As soon as the potatoes.
- Want petals seemed?
Padzero race in the meadow!
If you could see
Your spine!
The world no longer than the other
Such a beautiful bluish glow.
Engine head shaking
Male duck lazy
Noknābt you will not allow
Peck cute duck.
Both together nakšņosim
Potato field.
Great around the world
However, travel in pairs!
Also the film will see
As will all pass.
And then everyone will see,
That of the Earth
Live in beautiful beetles,
Happy Blue Beetles
And yet also just as true
Peter was really happy.
[ ]
talked AFFAIRS

Stand in pans on a shelf,
Shining saucepans nice
LED coffee pot
And a bowl of that joy.
They ruled: - How much does it
There are infinitely beautiful -
Takes you on edge,
A gas stove makes!
If not so,
As we live on? -
And a small spoon
And the bread knife
Then said:
- There is a saucepan
Exceedingly sharp mind. -
And the blue cup
On the edge of the buffet
Then said:
- As good as,
When the end
Behind osas or hilt
You take one!
If not so,
As we live on? -
Then book a fun
With Zebra Cover
Other books, said,
Who stood next to:
- I swear on the cover,
At pictures like that!
How good is, however,
How beautiful are endless,
When you want to know
From the head of anyone!
If not so,
As we live on? -
And hanger
Happy smile of radium,
He said the sofa
With dark brown skin:
- Oh, dear, How well
How nice is it!
I would like to sing,
So infinitely good,
When the coat to leave
To what you want!
If not so,
As we live on? -
On the table, a chair,
High above the buffet
And cabinets and shelves
They trokšņoja fun -
And a small spoon,
Both the bread knife,
Both pots, bowl
And Zebra as well:
- Oh, how nice it
And infinitely beautiful,
When you\'re in this world
Require the same!
If it is not
As we live on?
[ ]
rubber Eugene

Rustles Irbenes face
And three of aspen in the wind,
And the word day is a pup.
Through the grove through the forest
Go rubber Eugene,
And the hole on the right side of it.
This rosy Trilby
And plaid umbrella,
And the sleek, shiny leggings.
When he met an acquaintance
Marita is narrowing
He kindly and respectfully klanījās.
Well hello, you tree!
Or how ugly it is -
Prod us with needles!
Are not we the wolves -
Evil and smilkstoši?
Oh, friends, girlfriends you. . .
Oh, dear woodpeckers,
Lower yourself down -
Once you\'ve lost a pen.
There alley gates,
Where have red maple,
You office waiting for this discovery.
How bright the sky,
And the birds fly!
And the word day is a puppy!
Through the grove through the forest
Go whistling Eugene,
Because the hole is whistling.
Many roads and houses
He was walking along.
What he took the puppy as a gift?
This little Janita
Whistling in the bath.
Whistled, whistled hole.
[ ]
fantasy hundreds

My feet grass min
Head - a hundred fantasy.
If we put together pasapņosim -
There will no longer have a hundred, but two hundred!
Pant has to catch the sperm,
Day Ten Kerama we
Pant has to catch a Behemoth,
Unless the network will stand.
Sperm Whale - glass jar,
Fearing shrunken so small.
Behemoth is a bag crumple,
The tail hung out the sand.
But the words, but the houses
People Moca us or off:
- Maybe it\'s a real mammoth?
- Thoroughbred Behemoth?
- Citizens that came
It is the fish that bite and tear?
Manito is not on our side.
- Thoroughbred cachalot!
Jars with the sperm
I want to display in the window.
But you\'re my Behemoth,
Visiting coming, will take up!
[ ]

Sheep Meadow listens quietly,
Wool twisted bends,
Listen to whistle as the tongue,
Cilvēkbērni them in the game.
Jānītis - this little shepherd.
Good, good hearing it.
John sees the wolf beast
Do not let over the lamb.
He now has the pleasure to play.
One day he will be - a violinist!
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