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Page : 4
Native side, my strength and my sāpums,
My Oriole, Woodpecker and Starling,
Not ciemoties come to you -
I come to stay and find eternity.
[ ]
my life in the month, -
I want to believe that there are still
which are similar in the valley.
My mornings will be brighter,
if you know when Mother:
mica in the rainbow,
our palsajās sand,
Do not breathe the breath of the divide.
[ ]
Middle leaving,
The world is getting emptier.
from vain anxieties
the soul brīvojam -
burning - live
burning - are going up.
[ ]
your possessions -
was this life
with passion, deceit and desire,
where every man
is part of the eternal fire.
Departed mother.
Well go and get you, father.
Under the August sky.
It goes out to the eternal fire,
to further burn others.
Under the August sky
Farewell below the sky
silently say:
- Goodbye, my father!
[ ]
I go through life in general, many of which the sun decided: Mom, no hands in the world do you love so much into me!. . .
Mother, without your sweet breath I breath shallow
getting rauktin raucas time and space away faster
everything flows;
Did you go from the forest ends sad you screaming winds,
fades in and out the flooding as a long sliver of grass, flower;
sun and cloud - to black midnight -
Better coverage, mamma, all over you, as in everything in you once had.
Even in this black hour, which comes in a cruel, -
bright stories of life Junda: firmer - mūžīgāk. . .
[ ]
where the sand and wind speak pine crowns adversity
where is the time lost in blood we sing,
where the silent silence as thousands of germ germinate -
there goes my mother.
[ ]
long summer bloom. Wind was blowing snow.
Another almost everything there is smeldzīgs and painful.
Through it has to pass. Jel\'re relentless!
[ ]
Goodbye, Mother, the end of your fight.
Your endless work day life.
As the sky grow dark! What strange things linen!
How Vaido short sea winds blowing!
[ ]
was or was not the sun? - Today it neuzlēks.
Black boat takes off. Floating in the air without a single scull.
And then it seems as though all life force
to save for this single moment.
[ ]
whole strength, composure and obstinacy
cinder in April will remain thinner and thinner;
and in the end it does not help us anymore:
closest to us may get a man in the world of eternity there clothes.
[ ]
It is a moment which does not wait, but that does not disappear,
stopped at a fast time unsettled drum;
withstand, endure it - otherwise can not be!
Black boat takes off. Black boat flying away.
[ ]
Unexpected news arrives,
It is no longer neatsauksim, no;
Go to our māmuliņa
Homeland sands.
[ ]
Mom, you\'re still on the ground;
Rain or feels cold,
It seemed - atvadvārdos month -
In the steps. It is as if a voice.
[ ]
It is as if your beloved\'s hand
Moment cheek pats affected.
What light! What tormented!
Time, this night neaizar!
[ ]
More you come, I\'ll go further,
Path length - deciding life,
In order for it to be close tonight,
Snow, neaizpūš.
[ ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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Poems /

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