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Poems / Decay

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Company degrade if not receiving impulses from individual personalities, the momentum will degrade if not receiving any public awareness.
[ Decay ]
secure the sign of decadence is when you start to step up to respect other people\'s faults. Spraying other debris stream, many trying to hide their own stains and can not be washed. That way, they consoled themselves, but it is a fool consolation.
[ Decay ]
What pagrimst virtues among the people, then looks at poverty with increasing contempt, but the wealth - increasing respect.
[ Decay ]
with kindness, doing without thinking about the objectives, but to seek for the truth, it acts on the following objectives. Acting on behalf of the moral precept, salary hunger and gratitude, but if the salary does not expect gratitude, and then bitterly ready to act. Fade benevolence, justice remains. If the equity lost, remain moral statement. Where the moral precepts, there is loss of trust. It is already a chaotic era beginning.
[ Decay ]
first sign of decline of public morals - the disappearance of the truth, because truth of any virtue is based.
[ Decay ]
man can stop climbing to the top - and never fall.
[ Decay ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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