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Poems / Discussion

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If all the time talking alone - you will always be true.
end stops - it means to be aware of that are about to call members to leave.
special art - you know, who do not pay attention. In ieilgušāka conversation, as this art becomes minimum.
During the composure and the word at the right place can be assessed more than eloquence.
should not take over the conversation, as your property, from which you have the right to expel out the other. On the contrary, the conversation should strive for a similar way as everything else, each for his turn arrives.
What could more delight and the most satisfying of human nature, as witty and genuinely illuminating conversation?
When a man says that he has found a woman in pleasure, then he is not thinking about the conversation.
most successful conversation - the elements which have already forgotten the next day
conversation between the old man and the young man usually ends in disappointment and mutual dislike.
When you want your interlocutor to make a truth, then at this point, the main thing - not sore and not say any bad words or offensive.
sense is more important than eloquence.
If you want to be a pleasant conversationalist - adapted to the different nature and level of mind.
Conversation is designed so that each of the stakeholders to gain an advantage for yourself, to become more knowledgeable.
If you want to discourage people from acting, then do it for a man to speak out on this subject: the more people talk, the less their desire to do so.
We need to talk loudly to be heard. Speak softly, listen to us.

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