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Poems / Favour

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benefactor more experienced grace to those who have done good, than those who have done good to the doer.
[ Favour ]
father loves his son stronger than his father\'s son? Therefore, as his son has created. All are favorable to the same source.
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loving voice sounds more charismatic than flattery.
[ Favour ]
Vanity favor of self-repellent, modesty - is pulling.
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you really live only when you feel another favor.
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favorable is the Lord, who hopes in him, such a soul who seeks Him.
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It may seem that the ego lets goodness fool yourself and forget yourself, when we act for others. But in reality, such behavior is the safest way to achieve their goals because of what appear to give, really lends to the usurious interest, in addition, the subtlety and cunning of discrete justifies our favor in all the surrounding people.
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Mutual benevolence is the closest kinship.
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How, then, to learn to be good? Learn the benefit of every vote.
[ Favour ]
Crowd grace is obtained by vile means: you yourself become more similar, because it will recognize the benefit of just what will be recognized on his own.
[ Favour ]

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