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Poems / Loneliness

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isolation and solitude - are not synonymous.
Alone, by encouraging reflection temper the soul.
alone is required for sensitive people, when he has to be the enjoyment of a witness without being able to participate, or suffering without being able to witness the ease.
himself on lantern.
not talk and do not do anything bad to yourself. Learn to be ashamed of itself more than the others.
Happiness alone is not complete happiness.
Why are people wary of loneliness? Because only a few being alone with herself enjoying the pleasant company.
properly assess their strengths alone is said to be just as reasonable to the ridiculous is people being self-highlight.
left alone to look big cities.
SOLITUDE secluded place, the sea, the mountains. Also, you will not crave after. It is the most common ignorance, but because it is possible to want and immediately and to be alone with myself. And nowhere is quieter and more peaceful solitude of the soul, especially when the same is what the man looked obtain the most complete relief, a relief I do not see anything other than Structure. So, here are letting yourself constantly of SOLITUDE and renew themselves.
outskirts of the market and fame departs all that great: away from the market and from the glory forever be home to a new value of the finder.
man who loves only himself, vismokošākais is - to stay by myself alone.
It is better to be single than be in bad company.
I love to be left alone even when I\'m alone.
impressive is done alone, that is, isolation from society.

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