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Poems / Virtue

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Real decent man would never single out themselves.
[ Virtue ]
tikumīgums Women often only care about your reputation and your peace of mind.
[ Virtue ]
any virtue, and the wellspring\'s the ability to encourage people to give up their desires and to act contrary to their inclinations, even if they are contrary to his common sense.
[ Virtue ]
. . . there is something of which you could not say, nature is not a given. Then reveals itself where it vispilnā largely up to you - neviltotība, honesty, strength, toughness against himself, nesūkstīšanās, neizlutinātība, benevolence, frankness, self-derogating mazrunīgums, generosity.
[ Virtue ]
immorality - the virtue of living better than us.
[ Virtue ]
morals can be defined as follows: any human behavior principles, which is to guarantee the existence of all mankind, which is a maximum free from suffering and possible baudpilnāka, more importantly, not only humanity, but to the size of things in nature, and each entity having sensing ability.
[ Virtue ]
izdēd flesh, virtue is gaining momentum.
[ Virtue ]
Would you like people to believe in your morals? Neplātieties with it.
[ Virtue ]
doubt that all human morality depends on the answer to the question whether the soul is immortal or not. It is as if the other philosophers judging the morality of their notes. They discuss how best to spend the time available for yourself.
[ Virtue ]
detached from the life of virtue is just as immoral as life without any moral content.
[ Virtue ]
Virtue, which can move only in the religious crutches, begins to limp when they lose.
[ Virtue ]
highest moral expression - his personal sacrifice of a collective good.
[ Virtue ]
human morality gets through to his intentions.
[ Virtue ]
I have known only three levers which can affect people\'s virtues: the rule of law, public opinion, and the impression of pleasure appeal.
[ Virtue ]
to live virtuous, we constantly have with ourselves Jakar.
[ Virtue ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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