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Poems / Virtue

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What is morality? The science of human fanciful conventions to be able to live together in the happiest possible way. The real purpose of this science - the greatest possible number of human happiness.
[ Virtue ]
get to heaven moral hell.
[ Virtue ]
Virtue for courage and heroism, and thus - for the enemy.
[ Virtue ]
The real moral basis can only serve the interests not required.
[ Virtue ]
Virtue - Constancy performance of duties.
[ Virtue ]
By virtue we mean not only the external politeness, but also the motivation for internal reasons.
[ Virtue ]
Virtue never remain alone. She will appear in the neighbors.
[ Virtue ]
complete morality has five components: gravity, generosity of soul, sincerity, dedication and kindness.
[ Virtue ]
absence of virtue, nobility will not help.
[ Virtue ]
virtues ends where the interest begins, like the river ceases to where the sea begins.
[ Virtue ]
vices are virtues component, like a poison ingredients. Prudence is the dosing and moderates in order to successfully use the ills of life.
[ Virtue ]
Not all who have vices, despises, despises all who do not have any manners.
[ Virtue ]
name serves just as well as vice.
[ Virtue ]
more than a display of virtue rewarded own manners.
[ Virtue ]
While we are obliged to keep within the limits of laziness and cowardice, praise can usually get our virtue.
[ Virtue ] Garīgās izaugsmes forums

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